The original tagline of Washington Square Park Blog, this site published its first post 16 years ago this week (2.26.08) setting out to cover the controversial redesign of Washington Square Park by the Bloomberg Administration, was:
“the chronicles of a beloved park and a city government overcome by its own power.”
This blog began with the intent to document the redesign of the park; construction began in late December 2007 and its scope expanded from there.
“old” park…
Former Tulip Patch Wash Sq North (2009) – people sometimes act like there were no flowers at the park previously:
Prior to park’s redesign construction:
In 2009, the Fountain Plaza opened – the famous fountain was moved 22 feet east to “align” with the Arch at Fifth Avenue costing an unknown figure to do so:
The first WSP Blog post – February 26, 2008:
The magical park
Thanks for reading, commenting, sharing and appreciating this very magical park.
Creator & editor
postscript: The redesign of Washington Square Park took over seven years and cost well over $40 Million. Both figures more than double (probably tripled) from what was projected. The budgeted and approved amount for the three phases (which became four phases) of the redesign at its onset was $16 million. It took over seven years (that does not include the late work done on the sidewalk completion).
There is a substantial archive of material here covering the past 16 years at Washington Square Park Blog, stories uncovered, broken and sourced by mainstream media, history revisited, artists and musicians championed, coverage of community meetings addressing the park, push back against privatization of this public space, and much more.
If you’ve appreciated the work and content at this blog, consider making a donation today:
Donations acknowledge the work that has been done here & help the blogger continue to shine a light on important issues.
Photos over the years by: Cathryn
the following by:
B&w gal with guitar sitting on “old” park fence: Louis Seigal
Group photo, rally to save “hot dog” vendors: Stacy Walsh Rosenstock
One Billion Rising against the Arch: Jennifer Jager
Photo of now axed tree & previous scene around fountain: unknown photographer