Community Bd 2 Meeting Addresses “Periodic” Update on Washington Square Park Wed. June 7th

WSP Park Administrator Will Morrison CB 2 Mtg Jan 2021

If you’ve been wondering about the latest at Washington Square Park, tune in this Wednesday, June 7th at 6:30 p.m. for the latest Community Board 2 Zoom meeting. I love the way this is worded:

NYC Parks Dept will provide their periodic Washington Square Park status update including recent expansion of the Administrator’s role and a request concerning some off-leash time for dogs.

*NYC Parks Dept will present a plan for updating Passanante playground.

Elizabeth Street Garden Executive Director will provide calendar/programs as well as legal and political updates.

“Periodic” is so vague and basically the way the Community Board addresses their most important park, Washington Square. Vaguely.

I will write further on this. But it’s pretty clear what the “recent expansion of the Administrator’s role” is and how it relates to the private conservancy.

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Without community participation, it means nothing.

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