There are three topics on the June 3rd agenda of Community Board 2’s Parks Committee, one of which directly impacts Washington Square Park and performance of music at the park. This is a follow-up on a previously poorly advertised meeting last summer on the issue of music at the park, pertaining to decibels, drums and whether there needs to be some kind of intervention. It is unclear if the often-talked about decibel meters which Sarah Neilson, Washington Sq Park Administrator, has mentioned that the Parks Enforcement Patrol (PEP) officers were being trained in, were ever put to use.
For some further background on this topic, see this week’s Villager piece and this April 27th WSP Blog piece, The Right to Perform Music at Washington Square Park – April 1961 Folk Riot and Now for an overview.
Meeting Details:
Community Board 2 PARKS/WATERFRONT Meeting:
Wednesday, June 3rd @ 6:30 PM Location: NYU Silver Building, 32 Waverly Place, Room 208
Topics on agenda — note: the * next to Discussion related to Washington Square Park means this is a public hearing.
- Introduction to Green Below 14, a new non-profit organization that is working to improve parks, playgrounds, and open spaces in Manhattan below 14th Street.
- Update on Pier54 designs.
- *Discussion about non-amplified instruments and music played at high volume in Washington Square Park.
Previously at Washington Square Park Blog:
The Right to Perform Music at Washington Square Park April 27, 2015
Opera Under the Arch August 4, 2011
Photo: Cathryn