Our society currently is very quick to assume any ‘upgrade’ in technology is for the best. But is it? Concerns about Wifi, “5G,” and “Smart” Meters abound.
On Saturday, June 15th at 7 p.m., St. John’s in the Village will screen the film “Take Back Your Power.” Location: 224 Waverly Place at West 11th Street. Come see the film and learn more. Discussion to follow.
Utility companies around the world have been replacing electric, gas and water analog meters with pulsed radiation smart meter networks. According to thousands of scientists, these devices have never been adequately tested by the industry or government agencies for safety to humans as well as the ecosystem.
We want to monitor industry and government agencies on safety to humans as well as the ecosystem. Currently, our local NY City utilities are deploying smart meters throughout the boroughs and 5G cells are being installed on Governors Island.
Come learn what you need to know at a New York City screening of the award-winning documentary “Take Back Your Power.”
Discussion will follow. Admission is free.
There is a bill in the New York State Senate to review the proliferation of “Smart Meters” and the right to refuse them. At the moment, you can refuse installation on your property but you actually have to PAY a monthly fee with that refusal. State Senator Brad Hoylman (former Community Board 2 Manhattan Chair) is a one elected official to contact to urge his support of New York State Senate Bill S. 1618.
What You Can Do:
New York State Senate Bill S.1618 is a bill to “protect customer health and safety and ensure the protection and encryption of customer personal, financial, and energy usage information” addressing Smart Meters, etc.
Contact New York State Senator Brad Hoylman: By E-mail: hoylman@nysenate.gov By phone: NYC #: (212) 633-8052; Albany #: (518) 455-2451
Learn More: StopSmartMeters.org
A glimpse from their site outlining why there is reason to be concerned:
Q: Can a “smart” meter be harmful to my health or unsafe?
Wireless “smart” meters emit radio-frequency microwave radiation (called “RF”), similar to that used by cell phones and wifi routers. The transmissions from “smart” meters go on day and night, and are not directly related to the amount or time of household usage. See section on Mesh Network. This frequency is part of the range of frequencies recently placed in the category “possible human carcinogen” by the World Health Organization (May 2011).
Public health professionals and scientists have been concerned about human exposure to this type of low-level radiation for some time now. You may have read about ways to reduce your exposure to the RF from your cell phone. But a “smart” meter is an RF emitter that you have no control over. There is no “off” switch, nor can you move it to a different location in your home.
I’ve been in my apartment 35 years, and never once has the analog meter in the kitchen needed an inspection. But last month I got a letter from Con Ed that said it needed to be inspected by an outside contractor — or else my power would be turned off and I’d have two pay $100 to get it back!
I called Con Ed and explained that I did not want these people in my apartment. Not only did I distrust their motives, it was all the more baffling and infuriating when I asked them WHY, after 35 years, did they need to make an inspection of something there was nothing wrong with and never was? They said, “well, we didn’t have the staff to do it before, and are now using an outside contractor. I smell a rat. Who at Con Ed is profiting? What else is going on!
This powerful utility and their inspectors had the opportunity (power) to say it was faulty and needed to be replaced w/ a smart meter, which I did not want due to health, safety and security concerns. This is an outrage. I was threatened AND harassed.
I told Con Ed I was a disabled senior citizen, and that I didn’t want strangers in my clean home due to a chronic disease I have (which is often disfiguring and embarrassing), and that I was allergic to numerous elements, including ALL fragrance. They didn’t care, and continuously plied me with bull crap reasons that it was needed for safety concerns, and that I had no way out.
The inspection was scheduled for a Saturday, I received a confirmation message from the outside contractor, they did not show up, or respond to my messages asking where they were.
I was rescheduled. The inspector came late. I was not unfriendly and civil when I opened the door, but this was the devil in disguise and he knew it. I had a golf club and was ready to use it, especially if there was even a peep about replacing it with a Stupid Smart Meter.
I made sure to have a witness, the man who’s done plumbing, electrical and carpentry repairs for my apartment for ten years plus. I watched the inspector like a hawk. Asked him was the device he was using called. Had my friend look at it. The inspector attached a green decal to the meter, and left.
These Big Brother operators must stop this dangerous and vicious attack NOW. I cannot attend this evening’s event and hope someone can post a video of it — and even read my letter during Q&A.
Thank you, Dorothy, for sharing your experience and concerns. It sounds like you were right to be on guard and handled the situation well. You can call Con Ed to ‘opt out’ of the Smart Meter and then mail or email a form to do so. I’ll add a link to the form shortly.
Take care,