If 25% of Americans say they plan to be more active in political issues this year, according to the Washington Post, what can that mean for New York City where activism is already part of everyday life for so many?
With the Trump Administration keeping everyone on their toes (so to speak), how can YOU keep up with all that‘s going on in our city? Problem solved by new web site NYCProtests.com which lists, in an easy-to-navigate way, all the protests, rallies and marches happening each day.
The founder of NYC Protests is based in Brooklyn, but that is about all we know. He or she has “chosen to remain anonymous for employment reasons” but “created the easy, simple tool” after the January 21st Women’s March with the goal “for New Yorkers to stay engaged with the resistance.”
Keep up to speed and stay active by visiting NYCProtests site here.
Update, June 2020:
This site no longer exists. You can find 2020 protest information at NYCProtests.info.