Mid-Summer Washington Square — Photos, And a Few Brief Updates

Note summer comfort station hours above. And the administration offices now have a gauzy material covering the windows:
NY Dosas is in the park now after so long outside but the other “hot dog” vendors are missing at the moment (soon to return I’ve been told):

The fountain was off limits over the weekend, the 10th tree to die around the Fountain is all too visible, the “hot dog” food cart vendors on the Fountain Plaza are gone at the moment. But the weather has been fantastic and it’s a really lovely summer to be in the park.

As to the “hot dog” vendors and their presence (or not) at the park, the Parks Department has said that these last two “hot dog” vendors — who returned to the park in June (after the brouhaha over their potential “banning,” link to be added), one was there for awhile, then a gap, and a new one appeared, now another gap — were always meant to be “temporary” until the “real” permanent vendors come “mid-August.” We’ll see…

There have been large gaps of time this summer with no vendors on the Fountain Plaza – tho’ you can find vegetarian food and $1 bottled water from New York Dosas on the southwestern side and ice cream and gelato on the Eastern end (via Melt and “gelOtto”).

A few photos from the weekend on Sunday…

Photos: Cathryn

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