Maybe tomorrow… Update: New Site Debut TBA; New posts to resume

7/13 — So finding the right WordPress theme and getting the older posts to configure properly = A lot of work. Whereas this blog in the beginning seemed to just create itself, the redesign (of the blog this time, not the park!) is a tad more complicated. Plus I have a  clear ‘vision’ of how I want it to be. So! I took a two week break and new posts will resume and then one day the new site will magically appear.

7/10 — for debut of new site? I admit this has proved daunting getting the new site up especially because there are already 800+ close to 900 posts in the archive so it’s not like starting from scratch. I think the site will be easier to navigate and ‘pop’ a bit more. Hopefully it won’t be too much longer! This is true dedication, folks! Okay, hopefully, the next post will be on the new site.



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2 thoughts on “Maybe tomorrow… Update: New Site Debut TBA; New posts to resume”

  1. Thanks, vram! It’s been a bit of a challenge to say the least. I may have been optimistic in my time projection. Hopefully, soon! Thanks so much.



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