This isn’t a cat-astrophe yet in relation to this sweet 2 year old black & white cat, Batman, except for the fact that his family left him in the high-kill NYC shelter system. The place is Holy Complicated: turning it into a “No-Kill” refuge for NYC animals has been stalled as thousands of healthy/friendly/adoptable/deserving cats* (and dogs) are killed and the clock keeps ticking.
Regardless, let’s turn Batman’s fate around with a Holy Miracle and get him a new home!
This blog has written before about the City’s “shelter” system, the ACC, previously named Animal Care & Control, now the much better named Animal Care Centers. (Yay! A step in the right direction.)
For now, I would like to help this Batman get out of there to avoid him being killed for being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Batman has been at the uptown Manhattan ACC since late August when his family left him there upon moving to new housing that did not allow pets (I think that should not be allowed).
Batman is healthy and has a super amazing personality. He now has a treatable cold – an upper respiratory infection (URI) – that he got at the ACC center (antibiotics cure it).
Doesn’t seem fair for that to be a death sentence, does it? But it often is. If not adopted, he will probably be listed soon (a daily “euthanasia” list is posted at 6 p.m. online – for Yom Kippur there was a reprieve with no killing of animals unless medically deemed necessary). A new “list” will be posted this evening.
Consider adding Batman or one of the other cats to your home today. All New York is needed to really turn this situation around — fostering or adopting is one way.
Can you help so we can say… Holy Nick of Time!?
Top Five Things You Need to Know About BATMAN (okay, it may not be five):
My name is BATMAN. My Animal ID # is A1049517. – P
I am a neutered male black and white domestic short hair cat. The shelter thinks I am about 2 YEARS old.I came in the shelter as a OWNER SURRENDER on 08/28/2015 from NY 10460, owner surrender reason stated was MOVE2PRIVA.
Batman had to be surrendered because his previous owner was moving to a place that did not allow pets. He is 2 years old, neutered and was given to his previous owner as a gift. The last time he went to a vet was 1 year ago. The two things his owner liked most about him are, he’s loveable and he has beautiful eyes.
Around children Batman is relaxed and affectionate and when he plays he is gentle. He is litter box trained and was kept indoors only. He has a medium activity level and can be described as playful, confident, friendly, assertive, affectionate, quiet and independent.
Batman used clumping cat litter in an uncovered litter box. He liked to play with string and batteries. He used furniture to scratch on. When his previous owners were home he would follow them around and liked to stay in the same room as them. When he played with his previous owner he was gentle. Batman enjoys car rides, ate wet and dry Friskies and at night he slept anywhere in the house.
A volunteer at the Manhattan Center, upon interacting with Batman, wrote:
Hey Batman, where is Robin? This cap crusader wears his evening tux in style. Such a friendly happy go lucky guy who watches all from his perch in adoptions. Batman doesn’t want to fight crime anymore. He wants to relax with you by his side. Such a gentle sweet soul who would love to spend time as your companion. You and him can be part of the dynamic duo so take him away to your home today!
Assessment of his personality at ACC: Batman immediately comes soliciting at the front of the cage. Reaction to door opening: Batman remains at the front of the cage, soft and relaxed, soliciting attention. Reaction to touch: Batman rubs on the assessor’s hand and appreciates petting on the head and body. This cat can go to a beginner home.
Are you Ready to be Robin for Batman today?
It is easy to do online! The cost of adoption is $52 but there is a $202 deposit required. Since Batman is neutered $150 will be refunded. (Not sure why they do it this way … but ??)
Please go to this link and scroll down for Batman #A1049517 : http://www.nycacc.org/PublicAtRisk.htm.
To find a rescue group to assist (if you might want to foster a cat or need guidance), please read the following. You can also email NYC Urgent Pets on Death Row at email: Helpcats@urgentpodr.org for help.
* * *
Holy Relief if Batman gets a home!
Please consider adding a cat or dog from NYC ACC to your home in the future, if not today. There are many others in addition to Batman who need our help each day.
*A note: A lot of “stray” or “feral” cats, ones who are not friendly to people, are brought to the ACC. They also deserve to live out their lives. Some already have a human looking out for them and yet are brought there. The system does not have a place for cats that are not socialized – and that is another problem. People should not automatically assume this is a better place for those beings.