Track the Buried Minetta Creek in Greenwich Village, Washington Square Park Trees with WSP Eco-Map

washington square park trees minetta creek wsp ecomap
WSP Eco Map (Blue=Minetta Creek, Green Dots=Trees)

Have you been wondering where the buried Minetta Creek flows underground around and through Washington Square and the Village? Or wanted to know the name of each species of tree in the park? Well, now you can find out with a wonderful new mobile map.

You read about the beginnings of the project here last year and now the result – WSP EcoMap – is live!  WSP EcoMap is the brainchild of Greenwich Village resident Georgia Silvera Seamans and is part of WSP Eco Projects, described as “an environmental organization that celebrates the wild things of the park.”

The first project is the WSP Eco Map, funded by a successful crowd funding campaign to raise funds for the map’s design and coding, and visible on your computer and phone.

WSP Eco Map satellite view

WSP Eco Map identifies many of the trees in the park — click on a green dot to find out what species it is, there are options to learn more — and tracks the long buried Minetta Brook/Creek and other things wild, such as nesting boxes.

The best way to use the map is to choose either Map or Satellite view at the top left and then on the upper right hand tab, hit Explore options. When you click on a circle or flag type object, you will learn more about it.

london plane tree washington square park wsp ecomap
London Plane Tree Washington Sq Park

Washington Square Park Blog collaborated with WSP Eco Projects on the ioby campaign which got the Eco Map funded. Thanks to the supporters!

WSP Eco-Projects branched out (ha) last year and put together three exploratory events/walks in the park. The first event for 2015 is coming up on Friday, May 8th at 11 a.m. with Leslie Daya Spring Nature Walk. Dr. Day will discuss trees, herbaceous perennials, birds, and mammals that reside in Washington Square Park. It is free with a $5 donation suggested.

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