What topics do you like to read about here?
Are there things you are more interested in than others?
I’m giving some reflection on the future direction of the site and am curious.
You can write to me privately at cathryn.be -at- gmail.com or comment here.
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Cathy – What I love to read about is the WSP Resident Hawks. I love birds of prey and would love to hear about them on a daily basis. I really want to know how Bobby is doing and how Pip is doing after Violet’s passing.
Cathryn – I want to know some basic information on WSP. Which activies are running in WSP and what specialities WSP have?
I like to read about the evils of the NYC Parks Department. In my experience they are a horrid bunch who care nothing for the communities they destroy in their attempts to experiment and build their architectural resumes and kickback scemes.
Oh and doggy stuff. Love to read about dogs. Or to see them in a picture.
I enjoy your coverage of plants and wildlife in the park as well as managerial decisions about the park.
I also like your observations of West 8th Street. I walked the blocks between 6th and 5th Aves today and was saddened. Stores from my youth – shuttered. New stores struggling.
Finally, I appreciate your coverage of NYU 2031. Views of the neighborhood from WSP will be affected is the plan is approved by the City. Also, it might get colder and darker in the winter; see http://ny.curbed.com/archives/2012/01/19/nyu_2031_plans_cast_their_shadow_over_greenwich_village.php.
Insider information, as you already do, such as the discrepancies between between what the Community Board and Parks Dept say and what they do, between what they do and what the actual laws / rules / regs are, the interaction btwn the Community Board, Parks, community organizations, city agencies, and commercial interests; a calendar of community meetings and events (so we all know what is going on, even if we cannot always attend).
Also, Greenwich Village, Washington Square Park, and this blog are beacons for the rest of the city’s neghborhoods, so your work is important to all residents and visitors.
Also, links to relevant news stories.
An inventory of the TREES (past, present, and anticipated future).
I like the way this blog touches on many aspects of WSP
Profound and ordinary
It’s all interconnected- and it is all interesting to me
Since St. Vincent’s has closed I do not get to WSP as often as I used to. I appreciate being able to make a virtual visit through this blog.
Thank you everyone. Your feedback is very much appreciated!
Thanks for reading first of all! And giving me your ideas and viewpoints on what works for you here and what you’d like to see more of —
More to come…
Enough with all the complaining! The new park is not perfect, but it’s beautiful, safe, clean and just as vibrant as ever! Focus more on the positives in 2012!
M – I try to mix it up! It’s hard to sweep away all the problems but duly noted. Thanks for your comment.