Contact Your NY City Council Person and Speaker Christine Quinn

Two important routes to go – Contact Christine Quinn who is the Speaker (head) of the NY City Council and also your local City Council person who, presumably, will have to vote on this matter of extending term limits without voter ratification.

(1) Speaker Christine Quinn – The Mayor knows (beyond a doubt) that he can count on her support. However, she needs to hear from you to know that overturning voted-in term limits is not okay.

With Washington Square Park, Christine Quinn did not come through for the majority of her constituents who wanted the park renovated while retaining the Park’s character. Instead, once again, she caved in to Mayor Bloomberg’s wish to radically overhaul and pacify this renowned public space.

However, the term limits issue is a MAJOR issue that she can not take a major hit from, whether Mayor Bloomberg, her billionaire friend, wants it or not. She is putting herself on the line here for him by working to overturn the voter’s wishes. Christine Quinn must recognize that there ARE limits and it’s time for her to show some principle.

Contact Christine Quinn here.

(2) Contact Your Local City Council Person on the term limit issue here. There are 51 community districts in New York City and each has a City Council person who is elected. Your City Council person needs to hear from you.

If you are not up to speed on the issue, scroll down and read some of the posts below.

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3 thoughts on “Contact Your NY City Council Person and Speaker Christine Quinn”

  1. Your support of the end-run on term limits is unacceptable. I will volunteer and donate to anyone who opposes you next time you are up for re-election. Your back door dealing is an unbelievable blow to democracy, explain to me why I would even bother to vote anymore if my vote, twice, is overturned by your power grab.


    Emile, NYC

  2. Ms. Quinn,

    You have helped with our building before. I am an artist at 148 W 14Th ST. One of the few SROs and limited affordable housing left in The Village.

    My ceiling is colapsing. Each day is worse.There are other issues as well. I cant seem to get any help. 311/Management.


    Melissa Lea Anne Brown-Marino

    P.S. I really wish that you had been electedd Mayor. Im a big fan!

    I dont want to lose my place. If you have a moment, please call.

  3. hi Melissa,

    This site has nothing to do with Christine Quinn. The Council Member who took her place is Corey Johnson. You can reach him here:

    District Office Address
    224 West 30th St (Suite 1206) New York, NY 10001
    District Office Phone
    (212) 564-7757

    Scary that 311 doesnt help you tho! Good luck!!



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