Event: Union Square: Not for Sale – Rally Thursday, June 5th 5 P.M.


Announcement for June 5th Rally from Save Union Square:

Bloomberg and his cronies have a vision of New York City where parks are for-profit, people are squeezed out of public spaces, and free assembly is made impossible. Their plans to privatize Union Square Park were “approved” through a rigged process that steam-rolled widespread opposition. But the privatizers have over-reached. They tried to sidestep the law and a judge said “Wait a Second!” Now it is OUR time to BLOW THE LID OFF this scam and PUSH BACK THE PRIVATIZERS!

On June 5th, at 5:00 p.m., the Union Square Partnership (the schemers behind the scam) will hold their annual back-slapping, self-congratulation dinner, just a block or two off the park. We will gather at the Northwest corner for a raucous rally and celebration of FREELY ASSEMBLED PEOPLE IN PUBLIC SPACE!

Expect marching bands, a “Heroes of Union Square Walking Tour,” community visioning sessions, and soapbox preaching. Expect surprises and spectacles and a glimpse of what the city CAN be! Come out and meet your neighbors in the square and defend the public’s right to public space!

What you can DO:

*Sign the petition.

*Contact City Council Member Rosie Mendez and tell her NO RESTAURANT: #212/677-1077 email: rosie. mendez -at- council.nyc.gov

*Contact the Union Square Partnership and tell them NO RESTAURANT #212/460-1200 email: jfalk -at- unionsquarenyc.org

*Come to the Rally June 5th, 5:00 p.m., NW Corner of Union Square

*Want to get involved? email: saveunionsquare2008 -at- gmail.com

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2 thoughts on “Event: Union Square: Not for Sale – Rally Thursday, June 5th 5 P.M.”

  1. I will be at the BID/USP annual mtg. hoping to be able to ask them tough questions and make those of their merchant members who are clueless that they will face unfair competition sposored by a city-aprroved group at taxpayer expense.
    I wish your rally could be closer to the W Hotel where the annual mtg.is taking place; it would be more effective if the more innocent of the BID/USP members could see the animosity they are engendering by their careless uninvolvement.
    I applaud your genuine efforts on behalf of ALL the citizens of this city because Union Square has been one of the greatest egalitarian spaces in the WHOLE city and country. It MUST continue to serve all the people and not just those the rich designate! May the universe bless your efforts with success!!


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