Washington Square Park 97th Tree Lighting Ceremony Takes Place December 8th

Resumes in Person

2019 tree lighting at the park

Despite ongoing Covid concerns, Washington Square Park’s Christmas tree lighting will take place, after one year’s absence in person, on Wednesday, December 8th at 6 p.m. Santa will be on hand and caroling will take place, as is the long-time tradition, with the Rob Susman Brass Quartet.

On Christmas Eve, Friday, December 24th, 5-6 p.m., caroling will take place again under the Arch.

These events are sponsored by the city’s oldest community group, the Washington Square Association.

In 2019, a rainy Christmas tree lighting took place.

Previously at Washington Square Park Blog:

Christmas Tree Lighting In Depth – 95th Year at Washington Square Park December 15, 2019

Washington Square Park’s 96th Christmas Tree Lighting Goes Virtual This Year Wednesday, December 9th December 8, 2020

Photos: Cathryn

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