NYPD Enforce 10 P.M. “Curfew” at Washington Square Park; People Push Back, Pepper Spray, Riot Gear, Arrests

Part I – Last night at Washington Square Park, the NYPD implemented the early 10 P.M. “curfew” on this public space with an intensive show of force. There were dozens of police in riot gear stationed outside the park along Fifth Avenue. People pushed back on the early curfew, pre-summer in the mid/late stage of a pandemic at a time when people want to be outside. City officials had to know this would be the result, well, obviously due to the number of police. There were confrontations once the police entered the park, some people were pepper sprayed and allegedly 22 were arrested.

On Friday, the night prior, according to reports from people in attendance at the park, most everyone left peacefully when the early closure was announced.

Last weekend, it was mostly rainy: this weekend was the true ‘test’ of the curfew put into place by the Police Department and the city Parks Department in response to complaints from neighbors. The curfew is now scheduled to remain in effect Fridays through Sundays “indefinitely.”

Additional photos and commentary to come.

Photo/video: Cathryn

Previously at Washington Square Park Blog:

City Clamps Down: New Curfew in Effect at Washington Square Park Over Next Two Weekends May 29, 2021

Photos: NYPD Implementing 10 P.M. Curfew This Past Weekend at Washington Square Park June 1, 2021

Mayor de Blasio On Washington Square Park Weekend Curfew | Questions Around “Policing of Public Space” June 3, 2021

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