I have not posted a “Weekend Washington Square” in awhile! Here are some photos from over the weekend, park updates interspersed.
Ronnie, 60 year park regular, on Washington Square Park: “There’s no place in the world like here.”
This is Ronnie who has been coming to Washington Square Park for 60 years and says, “There’s no place in the world like here.” He is with his sparrow friends entertaining and educating fans learning more about these birds.
Coyote & Crow:
Yes, four new trees were finally planted around the fountain in late April after years of empty pits and dying trees. I feel as if I could write a book on the sad fate of (and the politics behind) the perpetually dying trees around the fountain (search those words to learn more).
First planted in 2009 shortly before Phase I of the redesigned WSP opened, they replaced healthy 40 year old trees. Those trees were axed due to the Bloomberg Administration’s decision to move the fountain 22 feet east to “align” with the Arch at Fifth Avenue. 14 trees died over the years. There are seven spots for tree pits. At four locations, the trees could not survive despite being planted and replanted. Will update further.
This work in progress on the fountain plaza is by Jiya da Chorona. The finished drawing included “the great lynx from Great Lake region” at the top in vibrant colors. She says, “Let us connect with nature.”
The World Science Festival took place on Sunday at Garibaldi Plaza and Holley Plaza, east and west of fountain. Pictured is astronaut Nicole Stott (middle) from NASA who was fascinating. I will try to post some video of her talking. Also, pictures below of WSP Eco Project’s booth there.
Quaker Peace Vigil taking place in front of the Arch:
Pigeons taking a splash in the fountain:
Oh, and sidewalks on eastern end of park still not repaired:
I have some great pictures from the Washington Square Music Festival last night and other updates to post! Check back.
Don’t forget tonight is the Community Board 2 Parks Committee meeting addressing Washington Square Park and conservancy. Show up!
Photos: Cathryn
Why not begin a photo contest showcasing all the drug dealers in the Northwest and Southwest corners of the park? It would show folks how easily and pervasive it is to purchase drugs in WSP. Let’s make these dealers local celebrities!