Washington Square’s annual Christmas tree lighting ceremony took place last night in a new location for 2017. The event was well attended – carols were sung, Santa appeared, the brass quartet played. The tree relocated away from the Arch and placed on the Fountain Plaza just is not the same; it was displaced from its historic location to make way for the controversial four-month long Ai Weiwei/Public Art Fund exhibit “Good Fences Make Good Neighbors.” It will be back under the monument next year… *
I was not able to get good attendee shots as the crowd was very much dispersed amidst the Fountain Plaza and the lighting was dim. Those garish NYPD lights which have been on recently at night blazing through the park were not on last night! Stay tuned for more on this…

You can join in for caroling on Sunday, December 24th, Christmas Eve, same location at 5 p.m.
*unless another famous artist decides they want to put their art under the Stanford White-designed Arch and bypasses community input.
NYPD Lights off:
Photos: Cathryn
The Tree is Lit at Washington Square! On Fountain Plaza for 2017
a..k.a. “How the Community Board 2 Stole Christmas” shame on the shady CB2
Very true, George, about C.B. 2 role in this. Thanks for your comments!
WSP Blog
Chinese totalitarian art inflicted on the new USA Police State since 9/11. LEARN YOUR PLACE, PROLES!
Great photos