Untapped Cities Scavenger Hunt of Washington Square Park “Secrets” Sun. Nov 12

Scavenge the Square

Untapped Cities, the site which does a wonderful job revealing city secrets, will help YOU uncover some at Washington Square Park today as it expands its web mission with a live scavenger hunt and tours. Plus – prizes! It’s fun and free.

“Fair Rows: 10 Secrets of Washington Square Park and the WSP Arch” takes place Sunday, November 12th from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Head to Garibaldi Plaza, east of the fountain, as the official hub of activities.

“Secrets” scavenger hunt will engage participants to seek five items “throughout the park.” Document all five items with photos and then be eligible for three prizes.

Also at Garibaldi Plaza, at the beginning of each hour, join in for a presentation of “10 Secrets in 10 Minutes” for “secrets” of the Park — blog readers, do you think they can stump you?

Also, at 1:30 p.m. and 2:30 p.m., catch a “VIP tour,” first-come first-served, led by Untapped Cities tour guide, Justin Rivers. Sign up in advance.

Bundle up and head over for this perfect Sunday activity at the park!

Photo: Joe Mabel via Wikipedia

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