When you could see the Twin Towers directly through the middle of the Arch… This picture is I believe early 2000s when the Arch was being restored.
Wandering Amir on Instagram wrote of this photo: “The Twin Towers served as a compass before the age of smart phones (or even cell phones). This was one of my favorite views of WTC, looking down fifth avenue through the arch at Washington Square Park.”
The former fountain is also visible, prior to its relocation by the Bloomberg Administration 22 feet east to “align” with the Arch at Fifth Avenue in 2009, as part of the park redesign. I am curious what that Parks Department sign says hanging from the Arch.
September 11, 2001. Now 16 years ago.
Photo: Amir Weinberg via Instagram
I have a framed watercolor print of this, but can’t read artists while name. Robert ? Done in 60s.
Hi Patricia, I thought this particular image was from the early 2000s – is your print the same one? There was construction around the Arch but possibly it is earlier… It does feel older…
Thanks for sharing.