One block of Sixth Avenue between West 8th Street and Waverly Place is now showing signs of blight as Duane Reade at 378 Sixth Avenue has closed. It joins nearby Barnes & Noble which previously sat at the corner of West 8th Street and shuttered (“forever”) as of January 2013, another voluminous space vacant, still seeking a new tenant. There are other Greenwich Village Duane Reades but this one sat at the crossroads in a sense, right atop the West 4th Street-Washington Square subway hub. A Starbucks remains next door and a Chipotle sits across the street. But if these chain stores can no longer survive, who can?
I don’t exactly when it closed – within the last month – but there is a listing for the property for lease here.
Top photo, left: Tina C. via Yelp
Top photo, right, and bottom: Cathryn
That space has been empty for years now. City should claim eminent domaine and make it an extension of the Jefferson Library across the street.