A “Love Rally,” organized by a New York University student, will take place at Washington Square Park today from 2-7 p.m. The goal of the event, which has over 8,000 people RSVP’d on Facebook, is to “spread positivity in Trump’s America.” Now, that’s a scary turn of phrase. Donald Trump’s “NYC” is already much different from how most of us see our city – and has been for many years. But positivity and changing the dynamic (or attempting to) is a good goal and the park is a perfect host and setting for events like this. (On a smaller scale, they happen almost daily.)
Organizer Sydney Miller told Metro NY: “I know that so many people feel betrayed and lost and feel that this country forgot them. … This is for people to say that they did not forget about them.”
From Metro NY, Rally hopes to spread love, positivity in a post-election New York:
Love Rally in the Park is set to take place from 2 to 7 p.m. in Washington Square Park on Friday. More than 6,500 people have RSVPed to attend on Facebook with another 16,000 interested [update: now 8,600 to attend and 20,000 interested].
“I have not planned an event this scale before and had not anticipated it to grow to this scale,” the 19-year-old Boston native [Sydney Miller] said.
With such interest, there is a good possibility the event could grow to the size of the mass protest that took place in the city on Wednesday, but Miller hopes it remains peaceful, positive and in Washington Square Park.
She’s worked with NYU public security to keep the event safe, and while moving the rally to Trump Tower as happened on Wednesday is not “something I would condone, I wouldn’t have the power to stop that from happening,” Miller said. “The point is to spend time in the park. There will be a megaphone for people to express affirmations of love for (others) as well as banners for them to sign.”
Love Rally in the Park is not an anti-Trump event. In fact, Trump supporters are encouraged to attend to show their support for those who were the target of his campaign’s often hateful rhetoric. …
As a sign of solidarity — and to keep with the rally’s love theme — attendees are encouraged to wear red, the color of the Republican party.
“It’s a good way to reclaim a color associated with the things that have been said — and reclaim it for love,” Miller explained.
Photo: Cathryn; from #MoreLoveNYC stationed near the Arch August 2013.
Good idea but seems like a semantic nicety masquerading as “express your discontent,” which is divisive not unifying. Get real. Promote healing.
Protest and activism is the healthy expression of a democracy. We should welcome it and be glad to see it alive and well.