Greenwich Village Street Festival Returns to West 8th Saturday, May 14: Music, Crafts, Beverages + Adopt Your new Best Friend

UpdatedVillage Alliance 8th Street Festival 2014Stop along Greenwich Village’s West 8th Street on Saturday, May 14th as the block is closed off to traffic for live music, food & beer, crafts & more. Plus there’s an opportunity to adopt wonderful cats and dogs in need of a home!

The Village Alliance Business Improvement District (once known as the 8th Street B.I.D.) will be presenting this event, corralling local businesses and residents to come together for its “Positively 8th Street” Festival, now in its fourth year. Activities take place from 12 noon to 6 p.m., live music begins at 2 p.m. There will be “live grass” (not artificial) strips to sit on and take in the scene.

The New York City ACC (Animal Care Centers) will have a Pet Adoption Van at the event with amazing animals looking for love and new homes. Consider adopting one as way too many are killed every day.

Jefferson Market Library will have a book swap table (bring a book to swap!) and will also present highlights of their oral history project of the Village.

Games and toys for “almost every age” will be on site from the New York City Parks Department. The strip’s Textile Arts Center will hold craft classes.

These are photos from the 2014 event which I never published but give a sense of what it is like:

8th Street Block Association Village Alliance Street Fair 2014
W. 8th Street Block Association
MacDougal and 8th Streets Village Alliance Festival 2014
MacDougal and Eighth

greenwich village street fair 2014 8th street

Uncle Sam’s Village alliance Street Fair 2014
Uncle Sam’s

Textile Arts Center Village Alliance Street Fair 2014
Arts & Craft Bar Village Alliance Street Fair 8th Street 2014
The 2014 event occurred shortly after the dubious goings-on of new Washington Square Park Conservancy were revealed by this blog and then other outlets. (But that hasn’t stopped them – yet.) The organization will be tabling this year too.

Washington Sq Park Conservancy 2014 Village Alliance Street Fair
Veronica Bulgari, John Van Name, Washington Square Park Conservancy chat up neighbors 2014

In 2014, the Washington Square Association had a nearby table and it appeared there was some friction between the two groups.

Music Villance Alliance Street Fair 8th Street 2014
Music outside Brown Harris Stevens Real Estate (the Greenwich Village office has since shuttered)

It’s crazy to note that Barnes & Noble was closed then, and still is.

The whole BID model remains controversial but this is a nice event to check out.

* * *

p.s. Here are some of the animals who will be there 5/14 and are up for adoption:

Animals for adoption ACC Animal Care Centers New York City 8th Street

Featured above: ‘Milo’ a one year old male Shih Tzu, ‘Prince’ a two year old male Yorkie, ‘Oreo’ a two year old female cat and ‘Oak’ a two year old male pit bull with many more animals needing a loving home. (Thanks Village Alliance Facebook for the images!)

Photos of 2014 Festival: Cathryn

Photos of cats & dogs: Courtesy NYC ACC

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3 thoughts on “Greenwich Village Street Festival Returns to West 8th Saturday, May 14: Music, Crafts, Beverages + Adopt Your new Best Friend”

  1. My name is Patricia Cruz, I would love to adopt Milo the one year old Shih Tzu. I just need to know if he is ok with children if they come by my apartment just to visit me. I have a 2 yr old Shih Tzu that is friendly and outgoing. I would like to have Milo welcome into our new family if at all possible.

    • Hi Patricia,

      Milo, the Shih Tzu, does look adorable. This post was from 2016, so, fingers crossed, Milo was adopted. I don’t know how we would track down otherwise, other than contacting the New York City ACC – Animal Care Centers (sadly, sometimes, animals get returned). But I would imagine they have others that you might be interested in. Their website is:

      Thanks for your interest in rescuing! I hope you find a friend for your 2 year old Shih Tzu.



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