Rain & Snow Mix with Crowd in Holiday Spirit at Washington Square Tree Lighting Last Night


annmarie sumner head of wash sq association in red
annmarie sumner head of wash sq association in red

Rain and snow could not stop people from attending the tree lighting at Washington Square last night and in fact in some ways only added to the event.

A friendly note: Not to be a scrooge but the park tree lighting ceremony needs some tweaking. The woman who sings, lovely voice, but she sings too high for most people to reach that range. The organizers need to bring another voice in to sing with her that is more crowd-friendly. The band was fantastic and the setting a delight. It was a mix of all ages and Santa was there to hand out song books and pose for pictures. Caroling will take place again on Christmas Eve, December 24th, at 5 p.m. under the Arch.

Photos: Cathryn

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