Help Us Mobile “Map” Washington Square Park’s Treasures – The Trees, Buried Minetta Creek & more! (Video)

This great project, Washington Square Park Ecology, will create a map of the ecological assets of the park. Local Ecology and Washington Square Park Blog have partnered on this project.

The final result will be:

* A mobile map of the larger trees and the buried Minetta Brook/Creek and guide to other wildlife.

* Users of the website will see a map of the trees and the route of the brook. Species and size information will be provided for the trees.

* Trees of note will be highlighted; for example, the historic elm in the NW corner of the park as well as the sites of the former Japanese sophora trees that were removed during the park’s recent renovation.

* A narrative of the brook will be available as one walks its length through the park.

At 9.75 acres, Washington Square Park is one of the largest green, open spaces in the Greenwich Village neighborhood. While famous for the fountain and arch, the park has ecological assets that we feel should be highlighted more prominently. Its trees are one asset. The other is the buried creek and its associated marshland. While we cannot restore the creek and the marsh, this project provides an opportunity to inform users and visitors not only about what they can see – the trees – but also about the park’s historic ecology and its connection to a larger system of waterbodies in the neighborhood and the city.

We are raising funds to complete the project and only $625 more to go – as of this minute! We have three more days! Please donate… thanks!

Donate to Washington Square Park Ecology via ioby here!

Thank you to Local Ecology for such great work and persistence coordinating this project!

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4 thoughts on “Help Us Mobile “Map” Washington Square Park’s Treasures – The Trees, Buried Minetta Creek & more! (Video)”

  1. Hi Can someone please identify the coniferous trees in Washington Square Park. there are a group of them in the North East corner as well as elsewhere. They have a drooping habit. Really appreciate knowing. Raewyn

  2. I have the same question as Raewyn. I have checked the map numerous times and I can’t the name of the small conifers in the northeast corner of the park. Also, I can’t find the name of two small trees that are in front of the white and red mulberry trees on the north side of the park. These two small trees have light bark and have fuchsia panicles of flowers. Thanks.

    BTW, is there any way that I can print out the tree map. I find myself making copies of it manually.

    Gale Lichter

  3. Hi Gale,

    Thanks for the update on the map and those trees. Hmm.. Let me see if WSP Eco-Map can illuminate us.

    Thanks for writing! More to come –



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