MulchFest sign on the barricade as seen within the Arch View Corridor:
I missed MulchFest Sunday. It ended at 2 p.m. (It also happened on Saturday). I thought it went later, but, as happened last year, people still leave their trees even after the posted time. Last year, trees were left to the east of the Arch and someone dropped a cigarette in the trees early one morning starting a fire!
After the event, trees waiting for something:
I think it’s a little questionable to just leave them there, yet the signage the Parks Department left behind does encourage it (this was not there last year). These two gals (below) were walking all over the Fountain Plaza with this tree, saw the sign and the other trees, and were like “Great! This is where our tree goes.” (This is what I imagine them saying.) They then deposited it with the others.
Bobby or Rosie, Washington Square’s red-tailed hawks, above the Fountain amidst the bright blue sky!
I was wondering how the Hangman’s Elm is faring… it’s hard to say.
The squirrels love it!

The sadness that is…

Photos: Cathryn