It will have been two years tomorrow, September 17th, since Occupy Wall Street formed at Zuccotti Park. Although some people seem to think the movement ended, that is not so. On the 2nd Anniversary Tuesday, there is a full day of activities scheduled focusing on Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), a “backroom deal for the 1%.”
Part of the call: “Stop choosing between food and gas money and join us on the second anniversary of the first night that occupiers put their bodies on the line, to stand up for economic civil rights for all.”
Full line-up of day’s events is listed here.
There will be all-day activities at Zuccotti Park and a march from Zuccotti to Washington Square begins at 11 a.m. with a rally at WSP at 12 noon.
Photos below I took of Zuccotti Park in October 2011 before Bloomberg’s NYPD Middle of the Night Ouster.
(If you didn’t read Bloomberg talking about this recently to New York Magazine,“So when it came time I said, ‘Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!’ And they [NYPD] executed it.” click here.)
October 2011, Zuccotti Park:

And here is Occupy Town Square at WSP in January 2012:
Previously at Washington Square Park Blog:
One Year of OWS – What has and What hasn’t Changed in Bloomberg’s New York September 18, 2012
My Visit to Zuccotti Park and Occupy Wall Street October 7, 2011
Occupy Town Square Kicks Off at WSP Sunday (Photos) January 30, 2012
Photos: Cathryn