NYC Department of Transportation Want to Place Bike Lanes Circling ALL of Washington Square Park – Good Idea Or No?

Washington Square North

The NYC Department of Transportation will be coming before Community Board 2’s Traffic and Transportation Committee on Wednesday, July 10th to discuss their proposal to add additional bike lanes within the district. Many of these additions are right around Washington Square Park, and, in fact, this would make a complete loop circling the park. Good idea? I don’t know. Washington Square South seems a bit traffic challenged much of the time.

Here is the information:

*Presentation by NYC Dept. of Transportation concerning installation of bicycle lanes at the following locations: W. Broadway from Canal to Houston Sts.; LaGuardia Pl. from Houston St. to Wash. Sq. S.; Washington Square South from Washington Square West to Washington Square East; Washington Square East from Washington Square South to Washington Square North; Washington Square North from Washington Square East to 5th Ave.; Broome St. from W. Broadway to Varick St.; Varick St. from Broome St. to Canal St.

As is, Washington Square West

Meeting will be held Wednesday, July 10th. 6:30 p.m. NYU Silver Building, 32 Waverly Place, Room 206 (I.D. Required)

Hope everyone had a good 4th of July weekend! Catching up on posts here.

Photos: Cathryn

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4 thoughts on “NYC Department of Transportation Want to Place Bike Lanes Circling ALL of Washington Square Park – Good Idea Or No?”

  1. I could see this working around all four sides of the park, provided there’s no left turn from Fifth Avenue toward University Place. Two way traffic plus parking plus a bicycle lane on that section of Washington Square North would be an invitation to trouble. Arranging things so that vehicular traffic always goes counter-clockwise around the park would help a lot, and it would free up room for the bike lane. I’d definitely be in favor of that.

    West Broadway between Houston and Canal may be wide enough to accommodate a bike lane, but on LaGuardia wouldn’t it mean losing parking spaces on those three blocks? Local businesses and many wealthy residents would scream bloody murder. I don’t see it happening.

  2. I’m not usually the paranoid one, but my first thought was here’s another way to allow WSP area to become the NYU campus by taking away the traffic under the guise of “more bike lanes”.

  3. Hi, thanks for your comments! I don’t know what to make of this, honestly. It’s seems ‘okay’ but then you do wonder.

    It’s true, Georgia, could cut down on speeding. (Hopefully.) It’s fairly mellow it always seems to me on the north west and western sides but the others less so.

    Richard, those are really thoughtful observations which make sense. I hope they do it that way and make those notations. I did not attend the meeting so.. I don’t know but I’ll find out what happened.

    Angela, interesting. Now that you mention it….



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