Do you think this show will help bring phone booths back?
In the last episode, key character Reese rescued a dog now named “Bear” and he is seen with Michael Emerson’s character, “Finch,” here, yesterday filming at the park.
“Person of Interest,” a television program which airs on CBS Thursday nights at 9 p.m. filmed, for at least the second time, at Washington Square Park yesterday. I’m a fan of the series although last night’s show— the second episode of the second season — was a little gruesome and slow at points and lost my interest. That being said, I will continue to watch and look forward to seeing the episode above shot at Washington Square! This is not the first time the show has filmed at the park and last time the park was beautifully lit and the Arch in particular, looked gorgeous!
The two main characters are Reese (Jim Caviezel) and Finch (Michael Emerson), pictured in these scenes. Reese now has a dog who he rescued in this season’s Episode 1. The dog’s name is Bear. On the show’s Twitter feed they wrote:
Reese’s dog was one of the most buzzed about moments in the premiere of #PersonOfInterest.
If you haven’t watched the show, here’s a recap from the series premiere from Entertainment Weekly:
In this series created by Jonathan Nolan (The Dark Knight) and co-produced by J.J. Abrams, there exists in the post-9/11 world a vast matrix of security cameras and technology. In the premiere episode, Mr. Finch revealed that he helped set up that all-seeing system, in Manhattan at the very least, and is now using it for his own purposes. Finch told Reese that he can track potential crimes to be committed, although mere lofty observation cannot indicate whether the people caught on camera are future criminals or victims. For that, Mr. Finch needs a man on the ground, and that man is Reese. “You need a purpose,” Finch told Reese, who’d spent his most recent months not shaving and riding the subway all night without changing his clothes for weeks. “You need a job.”
It would be sort of great if they mixed the reality of the the intensive security camera situation at Washington Square Park into the show!
Thanks for the great photos, Redwingx!