One benefit of the construction at the park is, that, with the fenced-off areas, it gives the wildlife some breathing room (when there’s work not being done, of course). Here, not far from one another, are pictures of one of the fledgling red-tailed hawks and a black squirrel … This was end of last week when it was extremely hot. The hawk had his (or her) mouth open and was almost panting; he had his wings slightly spread out — a few people who stopped by noted that this was because of the heat. I kept wanting to ask … how do you know that? They didn’t seem like the regular hawk-watchers and I’d never heard that tho’ it made sense. These two (squirrel and young hawk) were far enough away from one another tho’ some other squirrels got a bit close for comfort. Rosie (mom hawk) was in a tree not far away within the open Southeastern section of the park. She didn’t stay long – she took off and flew along Washington Square South and it was an amazing sight to witness. No photos of that – it was too awe-inspiring and quick to get a shot but here are some of the others:

Hi Cathryn! It was so great to meet you at the Romio event the other day! It’s always nice to connect with other NYC bloggers, and I look forward to following your writings about Washington Square Park! Fabulous photos…amazing how much wildlife exists in our concrete jungle, huh?
I second Jess, fabulous photos!
Hi Jess, thanks for stopping by my site. It was great to meet you too. I really like your site and will definitely follow you too. Thanks for the comment on the photos – yes, that is true!
I’m sure we’ll meet again.
& Thanks Georgia!!