Next Two Fridays Free French Films at the Park Beginning Tonight, Friday, June 8th (Next One: Friday, June 15th)

For the fifth year, The Cultural Services of the French Embassy and the City’s Parks Department present French films over 8 Fridays in New York City parks with Washington Square Park hosting two screenings, the first, tonight, Friday, June 8th and again next Friday, June 15th. Each film will be preceded by a DJ from WNYU playing music. Tonight’s film is by the Arch.

Tonight, Friday, June 8th, 8:30 p.m.:

Directed by Robert Guédiguian, 2011, France, Drama/Romance
French with English Subtitles, Not rated, 107mStarring Jean-Pierre Darroussin, Ariane Ascaride, Gérard Meylan, Grégoire Leprince-Ringuet, Anais Demoustier, Julie-Marie Parmentier

Despite losing his job, Michel lives happily with his wife Marie-Claire and their loving family and friends in Marseille. His happiness is shattered when he and his wife are robbed at gunpoint of their life savings by two mask-wearing thieves. The shock is even more devastating when they discover who the perpetuators are…

Based on the poem Les Pauvres Gens from La Légende des Siècles by Victor Hugo, Lévy et Hetzel, 1859, France. How Good are the Poor from The Legend of the Ages, published in the United States by Oxford University Press, 2004.

Next Friday, June 15th, 8:30 p.m.:

Directed by Yves Robert, 1962, France, Comedy
French with English Subtitles, Not Rated, 90m
Starring André Treton, Jacques Dufilho, Jean Richard

With every new school year, children from the village of Longeverne quarrel with those from Velrans. One year, Braque and his friends come up with the idea of pulling the buttons off from their rivals’ clothes so that they will get punished by their parents. Inevitably, war breaks out between the two groups of kids…

Based on the novel La Guerre des Boutons by Louis Pergaut, Editeur Mornay, 1912, France. War of the Buttons, published in the United Kingdom by Walker Publishing House, 1968.

Both films sound a bit, uh, dark although the first is billed as a drama/romance and the second is apparently a comedy. Nonetheless, it’s a great opportunity to see free films outside at the park in the perfect spring weather and experience some joie de vivre! Full schedule and other parks’ showings here.

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