Memorial Day Weekend 2012, Washington Square (Hangmen's Elm Area, Vast Swaths of Lawn Cordoned Off …)

A bit delayed …

NW Entrance closed (due to Hangmen’s Elm – at right – concern)
Area around tree cordoned off
Regulars Tic and Tac perform (with live drums!)
Open lawn, southern end
Fenced off lawn remains throughout eastern end

I noticed the park’s NorthWest entrance cordoned off over the weekend for “inspection and maintenance.” But it wasn’t until commenter Seth noted it in relation to yesterday’s post about concerns over the condition of the famous 330 year old Hangmen’s Elm which resides right there that I realized the two were related. There must really be serious concern. Community Board 2 met last night to discuss (more on that to come). As for the large swaths of park lawn which have been fenced off for close to two months, a small portion was opened up for use south of the main plaza. It’s close to a month overdue for the fences coming down on the NorthWest and Eastern sides. One regular mentioned that people are either avoiding the park entirely or bringing their own lawn chairs to sit. As for good news, (tho’ still not fully operational), the fountain is on!

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