Two days after I wrote wondering where all the female singers at the park are, you rarely see any — other than the Opera Gals Under the Arch — one appeared!
Ingrid Vollset – a non-NYU student – was singing a song called “Wavelength” in the slightly empty, dark park Friday night near Garibaldi Plaza. One of the lines of the song stood out to me “You know you’re blind so when you dream what do you see?” (Okay, I may not have that entirely correct but pretty close.) She had a lot of energy performing there with her guitar.
Ingrid said she’d performed at WSP before but not in the last couple months.
It would be great to have more female performers in the park. (So they can be ticketed too?)
p.s. Why is there no light by Garibaldi statue, I’ve been wondering?
I didn’t get their name, but there was an all-female acapella group singing by the arch last night (Tues. 12/13) at about 7:30 PM.
Hi Seth,
Good to know. Maybe (?) I just end up witnessing the male-only performances but also at the press conference – all men.
Thanks for the info!