And perhaps the most exciting sight to see…

Updated — Professor, author and activist Angela Davis spoke at Occupy Washington Square yesterday Sunday 10/30 in an inspirational and engaging talk with the Arch as a backdrop, stating: “Your movement calls upon the majority to stand up against the minority. The old minorities are the new majorities.”
Update! See really good Village Voice piece on Davis’s visit to the Park!
And see video here:
Part I Video of Angela Davis speaking at Occupy Washington Square yesterday(Sunday 10/30).
Part II Occupy Wash Square Q&A with Angela Davis
She then headed over to Occupy Wall Street at Zuccotti Park.
Next Occupy Washington Square General Assembly Meeting Wednesday, November 2nd 7 p.m.
Top Photos #1, 2 and 3: Johanna Clearfield
Photos #4, 5: Cathryn.
Previous WSP Blog: Occupy Washington Square Hosts Angela Davis Sunday, October 30th 5 p.m., followed by General Assembly