Hawks' Nest Across from the Park: Violet & Bobby Update

Bobby in the nest with Washington Square Park beneath

4/26 – people are keeping watch. eggs are about to hatch!

The New York Times is updating regularly (almost incredibly so) about the two hawks – named “Bobby and Violet” – and their nest across from Washington Square Park as the hatching of the 3 eggs is awaited.

The hawks set up their nest right outside NYU President John Sexton’s office (what are the chances?) at the Bobst Library on Washington Square South who certainly turned it into a publicity opportunity – video, Twitter account @NYUredtailhawks, and all.

The Latest On Violet & Bobby at the New York Times.

Previous WSP Blog Post: Hawks Set Up Nest Around the Park — “Violet & Bobby” VideoCam Watch

Photo: Christopher James/NYU

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2 thoughts on “Hawks' Nest Across from the Park: Violet & Bobby Update”

  1. The music very nice, The Benches made of wood is a great item to see and puts Americans back at work and we needs JOBS for our Country and not over seas. And Use to Live in N.Y.C. and now live Palm Springs, Ca. So tell the Mayor he doing great job for N.Y. C. and my name is Tom Hakim


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