Washington Square Park Annual Tree Lighting Tuesday, December 7th & Caroling Friday, December 24th

Last year's ceremony - tree lighting under the Arch


Washington Square Tradition Older than Rockefeller Center Tree Lighting

Two Events: Tuesday, December 7th and Friday, December 24th, 2010

Washington Square Park will hold its annual Christmas tree lighting ceremony under the Arch on Tuesday, December 7th at 6 p.m.  This will be the 84th year a tree has been lit. The Washington Square ceremony is one of the oldest tree lighting traditions in New York City, older than the Rockefeller Center Christmas Tree lighting! That annual tree lighting tradition began in 1931 making it 79 years old, five years younger.

After the tree is lit, song leader Mary Hurlbut, accompanied by the Rob Susman Brass Quartet, will sing holiday songs.  There will be a Santa Claus present. 

On Christmas Eve, Friday, December 24th at 5 p.m., swing by for caroling under the Arch, another annual tradition, led by the Rob Susman Brass Quartet.

The Washington Square Park Christmas tree – 45 feet tall! – will be lit in front of the Arch at Fifth Avenue between the hours of 4 p.m. and 1 a.m. throughout the holiday season until early to mid January.

Songbooks for the two events will be provided by the Washington Square Association which also donates the tree.  The Washington Square Association was founded in 1906 and is one of the city’s oldest community organizations.

Photo: Ken Howard

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