This is the design for the main part of Washington Square Park Redesign Phase III: the Park administrative offices and bathrooms. Presently these are three separate buildings (ladies/mens room and park admin offices) and now they will be combined. There will be a path that separates the building from the new dog run — people will be able to sit and watch the dogs — which is being moved to the exterior of the park along Washington Square South(it’s not shown but it will be on the right in this photo). The walls to the offices will be glass and you will be able to view the park personnel working there (and they will be able to view you). On top is a wood trellis – to be constructed with “salvaged Ipe wood” – rainforest wood allegedly being reused, unlike the endangered, virgin Ipe wood used on the benches at the rest of the park – and the balance of the building is steel and stone. The architects (an outside firm hired by the NYC Parks Department) call this building a “pergola.” It looks a bit modern to me and others thought it looked like it belonged in a suburban train station but we’ll see…
This is what went before the Landmarks Preservation Commission yesterday. I was unable to attend but hoping to get an update.
Update: LPC hearing did not happen because they did not have a quorum — one of the commissioners is a partner in the architecture firm that designed the above and recused himself. New date to be scheduled.
** Update: this was approved.**
Late 2010: Large Dog Run and Mounds Formerly in Phase II Moved into Phase III.
Tell me more about the new dog run. Will there be two: one for big and little dogs?
Hi Ann,
I don’t know if I have a diagram on site that you’d be able to see it but, yes, there will be two dog runs. The small dog run will be along Washington Square South between Thompson and LaGuardia Place. The large dog run will be also along Washington Square South between Sullivan & Thompson.
Let me know if you have other questions. Hope that helps –
How do dog owners feel about the new runs?
I read that the sidewalks surrounding the park would be replaced at the end of the project. Do you know when this work will start? They’re in bad shape!
Hi Patrick,
Yes, the sidewalks are scheduled for the very very end. I believe last I heard this was to begin end of the summer (I will be doing an update on this but it’s a bit delayed… it will be under Phase III in the categories) – when every other piece has opened in Phase III. Sad I know! But this is how the Parks Department scheduled it.