Adam Lisberg, The New York Daily News City Hall Bureau Chief, has an interesting article, “Insiders say term limits, supporter apathy could damage Mayor Bloomberg’s chances of reelection,”in today’s paper.
From the article:
Mayor Bloomberg’s campaign may look unbeatable – but some insiders see troubling signs that he could be tossed out of City Hall.
They fear lingering voter anger about term limits, low-turnout primaries, passionate anti-Bloomberg Democrats and complacent Bloomberg supporters could combine to create the biggest political upset of a generation.
“I’d be worried,” said one of the mayor’s prominent backers, who fears moderate pro-Bloomberg voters won’t bother voting Nov. 3 if they assume the mayor will win.
“If you’re just a voter who kind of likes Bloomberg, you don’t come out,” this backer said. “If you hate Bloomberg . . . you come out.”
The prospect of loss may seem laughable to New Yorkers who have been bombarded with ads and mailers from Bloomberg’s $64.8 million campaign.
And then this:
“You don’t have hundreds of thousands of people who think Bloomberg is next to God,” said one of his [candidate Bill Thompson’s] Democratic backers. “You have thousands of people who just hate this man.”
Read more here.