Blog News

Some News: Washington Square Park Blog is on a deadline for a project so this blog writer will be taking a three week break beginning today and will resume new blog entries Monday, April 13th.

Be assured if the Landmarks Preservation Commission schedules their next meeting during that time or the Washington Square Park Task Force resumes meeting … if I get some hot video footage or any other event related to Washington Square Park occurs, I will post it here so check back.

And, if, for example, Mayor Bloomberg decides to do the honorable thing and not run for a third term as NYC Mayor (a person can hope, can’t they?), well, I will be back in a flash writing about that!

In the meantime, there are lots of events going on between now and early May. I’ve listed them in the post which follows.

Remember there are 355 posts and 53 categories in the archives. Check ’em out. (Start with posts at sidebar on the right if you are new here…) You can always e-mail me at -at-

See you soon.

Cathryn, WSP Blog.

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