Tonite at Cooper Union; Indypendent Benefit Featuring Naomi Klein

The Indypendent is an independent media organization that works to expose the truth. Published bimonthly, free and found primarily in NYC independent bookstores and coffee shops, The Indypendent covers the grassroots and the topics the mainstream media doesn’t delve into. It is not bought or influenced by Mayor Bloomberg Inc. It’s a great organization to support.

Author Naomi Klein has written about corporations, capitalism, and public spaces, i.e., “The Commons.” She is just one of the impressive speakers, including Jeremy Skahill, Laura Flanders, and more, at the event tonite benefiting The IndypendentInfo:

Saturday, September 13th, 8 p.m.The 2008 Election: What’s Really at Stake ?at Cooper Union’s Great Hall, 7 East 7th Street at Third Avenue, Manhattan. Tickets: Sliding Scale – Only $6-$15!

TICKET HOTLINE: Purchase online at Brown Paper Tickets or call 1-800-838-3006 or the Indypendent at #212-221-0521 or e-mail indybenefit -at- Tickets also available at the Door.

Event co-sponsored By: Bluestockings Bookstore & Cafe, The Brecht Forum, Democracy Now!, Fairness & Accuracy in Reporting, Free Speech TV, Grassroots Media Coalition, GRITtv, Haymarket Books, Left Turn, Manhattan Neighborhood Network, The Nation, North American Congress on Latin America and WIN Magazine.

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