Arch 50th Anniversary of Pride 2019

It’s the 52nd anniversary of the Stonewall Inn Riots which took place a few blocks away from Washington Square Park. In 2019, on the 50th Anniversary of what we now call PRIDE, in honor of this movement and moment, the Washington Square Park Arch was lit up in rainbow colors for two nights. This was arranged by the NYC Mayor’s office. One year later, during the height of the pandemic, the NYPD attacked Queer Liberation March protesters along Washington Square North.

Previously at Washington Square Park Blog:

Washington Square Arch in PRIDE colors This Weekend Starting Tonight, June 28 & Saturday, June 29 June 28, 2019

Scenes from PRIDE 2019, 50 Years Since Stonewall, at Washington Square Park July 1, 2019

Photo: Brian Tovar/Jason Sherwood

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2 thoughts on “Happy PRIDE”

  1. My daughter and friends fled the park a few minutes ago. There were 6 explosions of some sort. I can’t find out any more info.


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