(Hyper) Local Journalism Needs Your Support
I’d like to ask your input on how to make Washington Square Park Blog more sustainable financially so that the site can continue to provide unique content. Articles at times don’t get published because of lack of funding and a sustainable model. The Villager has ads, The New York Times has ads and subscriptions, and Bklyner appealed to its local community for subscriptions to stop from shutting down. This site’s Google ads bring in a very small amount of $. WSP Blog is so appreciative of readers and supporters who have donated over the years (!) towards this hybrid of journalism and advocacy. Yet, thus far, it’s not enough to sustain and fund the work that goes into the content at the site. While not wishing to stop publishing, I haven’t figured out what the answer is.
Articles in the queue may not get published as the level of detail and research to get them ‘right’ ends up being prohibitive due to time, funding and energy. Often, they are stories no one else is covering. I’ve thought about setting up a Patreon account where perhaps those pieces would be exclusive content to supporters, but I’d rather not embark on another platform right now. (Maybe in the future.)
You might be amazed how much there is to report on Washington Square Park, and also other park & public space/Greenwich Village/privatization/animal & wildlife/environment/city news, as well as how much what happens at Washington Square Park reflects larger issues.
Over the 11 years of its existence, Washington Square Park Blog has broken stories later picked up by mainstream and local media, and exposed issues not being talked about elsewhere. Curbed referred to this site a “watchdog blog” around the redesign of the park. We’ve reported tenaciously on the privatization attempts and the “formation” of a private “conservancy” (and all the ‘murky’ details that have transpired to date), we’ve advocated for the community and its long-standing wish to keep this park ‘public,’ run and managed by the city’s Parks Department. And whether it’s been the perpetually dying trees, threats to wildlife, threats to artists and musicians, reporting back on Community Board meetings, it’s been covered at this site. The history, the personalities, events of the park, and much more have been reported as well.
There is so much that does not get covered at other local outlets online and in print and broadcast media, it’s somewhat astounding. And in order for a blog to maintain now and gain a larger audience, it requires posting consistent, almost daily content, yet it’s hard to do under this model.
If you have read and appreciate the content at Washington Square Park Blog –
Would you consider making a donation today?
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And, of course, feel free to send me your input and ideas. Thank you so much for reading and your support.
Cathryn Swan
Washington Square Park Blog