Washington Square Park Christmas Tree Arrives Monday | Tree Lighting December 5th

Tree Returns Under the Arch!

washington square park christmas tree 2011
2011 tree

It’s that time of the year … The Christmas tree at Washington Square Park is set to arrive from Vermont early Monday, November 26th. As you may recall last year, the tree was displaced from its traditional location by the controversial placement of the Ai Weiwei exhibit under the Arch; this year it will return to its rightful place beneath the storied monument.

The 94th tree lighting ceremony at Washington Square Park will take place on Wednesday, December 5th at 6 p.m. There will be a second chance for caroling and viewing Santa on Christmas Eve Monday, December 24th at 5 p.m. The tree that arrives will be 45 feet tall!

A little known fact: the Washington Square tree lighting ceremony is older than the Rockefeller Center tradition – by seven years!

Washington Square Association, the 112-year old community organization, presents the event:

On Wednesday, December 5 at 6 pm, the Rob Susman Brass Quartet and children and grown-ups alike will sing holiday songs. The sparkling lights on the resplendent tree will be turned on to mark the beginning of festive winter evenings. Santa Claus himself has promised to appear candy canes in hand, and lead the children in the illumination countdown. The Washington Square Association provides songbooks.

Christmas Eve, Monday, December 24 at 5 pm is the traditional time to celebrate the holiday with carols near the Washington Square Arch. The Rob Susman Brass Quartet, song leader, and the revelers from all over the city will lustily sing out the familiar tunes. The words are in the songbooks distributed by the Washington Square Association, but many will know them by heart; “Peace on Earth, Good Will to Men” resounding with special meaning this season.

The Washington Square Association, Inc. founded in 1906, is one of the city’s oldest community organizations. For 112 years, it has sponsored this all embracing event. Other activities concern the continued improvement of Washington Square, the Washington Square Music Festival, and the fostering of neighborhood spirit.

Read about the first tree lighting in 1924 here. That tree was planted in the park!

Photo of the tree in 2011: Geekdudehn via Instagram.

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Previously at Washington Square Park Blog:

Ai Weiwei “Fences” Opened to Public Briefly Saturday Under Washington Sq Arch | “Public Preview” Today, Opens Officially 10/12 October 11, 2017

Amid “Fences” Controversy, Washington Square Christmas Tree Arrives Nov. 27 in New Location November 19, 2018

The Tree is Lit at Washington Square! On Fountain Plaza for 2017 December 7, 2017

The History of the Washington Square Christmas Tree — Tree from First Tree Lighting Ceremony in 1924 Was Planted in the Park In Spirit of “Wise Use” December 20, 2011

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