Latest on Washington Square’s gorgeous Red-tailed hawk Violet whose leg band is now causing her trouble (tho’ official DEC rep continues to deny that is the issue – DEC placed band there) —
Yesterday’s New York Times City Room blog: Violet the Hawk has Worsening leg problems
Roger_Paw blog has pics of Violet and Bobby together from Sunday.
Thanks to @PipTheHawk alerting me via Twitter.
** Previously on WSP Blog, May 13th, 2011: No Intervention right now for Mama Hawk Violet; Rodenticide Seems to be All Removed from Washington Square
The decision not to intervene was always deemed as controversial and a bit political when the DEC – Department of Environmental Conservation – was brought in by NYU vs. following the advice of seasoned wildlife rehabilitators who were already on the scene. A tough call, without a doubt. Comments at the Times site are worth reading.
Wishing Violet the best —
You said a Wildlife Rehabilitator was on the scene and thought the best thing to do was to leave Violet alone. Was a Veterinarian ever consulted to see what kind of damage is being done to her leg? What about infection ? This is unacceptable.
I can not understand why Violet’s leg can not be treated. This is animal cruelty. We need to do something. This wasn’t Violets doing. We need to help her now.
Hi Jane, It seemed to be all going according to a plan with seasoned hawk rehabilitators (Bobby and Cathy Horvath). Then the NYS DEC got involved (and, yes, a veterinarian) and said there was no reason to intervene and that’s when things got a bit dodgy and so we are where we are today.
The thing is it’s unclear if the leg can be treated – or if it might need to be amputated and then she would not be able to live her life in the wild. At the Times’ site, someone suggested the Raptor Trust in NJ could take her.
For some good background on the issue (if you keep clicking the ‘violet and bobby’ category at this blog, you can read about it) and also see this post at the Pale Male Irregulars blog which has a new post going over the history —
Thanks for writing.