Tonight, Saturday, September 25th, catch the completed version of documentary “The Vanishing City” at the Williamsburg International Film Festival, aka WilliFest, at 10 p.m. at the Knitting Factory in Brooklyn. The Festival began Thursday, September 23rd and ends tomorrow, Sunday September 26th.
You can’t miss the dramatic changes in our New York City neighborhoods that have transpired at an escalated pace during the Bloomberg years, particularly throughout Manhattan but creeping into the other boroughs. The film attempts to answer “why?”
The Daily News featured an excellent write-up on the film’s creators, filmmakers Jen Senko and Fiore DeRosa, yesterday:
“The more questions we asked, the film became more of journa-listic expose, a detective story,” says Senko.
“Essentially, we found that the city was using taxpayers’ money to more and more finance luxury housing, pushing out people and businesses that had been there for generations. These developers got huge subsidies and tax breaks, while taxes on small landlords and co-ops were going up nearly 40 percent.
“The result is changing the whole culture of Manhattan, and the film took on that focus.”
To view the excellent trailer for the film, and more on why the city is vanishing so quickly, take a look at this piece from
The film points out that New York, while always changing, used to change in increments. In the 90s luxury development started ramping up and by the aughts exploded, slashing and burning its way through neighborhood after neighborhood. Luxury development has become the norm and entire neighborhoods have been re-zoned to not only allow it, but to preclude any other kind of development.
“The Vanishing City” just opened the Harlem International Film Festival on Thursday 9/23 and is receiving a lot of important and much deserved attention.
Sadly, the closure of St. Vincent’s Hospital is a great example.
Even though the site is zoned as a hospital, it is doubtful that any other hospital will open there.
I’m sure developers have already planned more luxury housing on that slice of the Village.
Exactly, Karen. Another good example. You’d think a hospital would be saved above all but it’s valuable real estate and run by a corporation so Mayor Bloomberg, for one, never said a thing.